Parliamentarians meet in Bonaire today

GREAT BAY/BONAIRE - Parliamentarians of Aruba and the Antilles are to meet in Bonaire to be begin discussions today on, among other things, the foreign policy of the Kingdom, constitutional affairs and the air space between Aruba and the Antilles.

The lawmakers will also discuss the consensus Kingdom Law on the movement of people between the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Minister of Constitutional Affairs Roland Duncan and Minister of Traffic and Communication, Patrick Illidge are also expected to make a presentation to the parliamentarians.

The law makers are also expected to discuss the ombudsman for Curacao and the airport tax for travel between the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, as it is currently very high and is the same as the tax to travel to a foreign country.

President of the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles Pedro Atacho said it is imperative that the Aruban delegation are informed on the constitutional process, thus the reason for the presentation from Minister Duncan.

Minister Illidge will give a presentation on the airspace between Aruba and the Antilles. Atacho also disclosed that the ombudsman of Curacao will give a presentation on her duties. "All the presentations will be public," Atacho said of the meetings.

He said the parliamentarians will visit a major project as well as the water and electricity departments during their visit to the island.

(Source: St Maarten Island Time)

1 June 2010

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

THE HAGUE--Attorney-at-law Roeland Zwanikken at St. Maarten’s BZSE law office is considering legal action against the intention of the Dutch ABN AMRO Bank to close the bank accounts of its clients in the Dutch Caribbean.

Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren vinden doorgang

In het Antilliaans Dagblad: Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren
WILLEMSTAD – De fiscale onderzoeken bij de notarissen vonden en vinden, ondanks de beperkingen van Covid-19, weer doorgang en de medewerking aan de kant van notarissen en adviseurs is daarbij ‘over het algemeen goed’.

Juridische miljoenenstrijd tussen BNP Paribas en Italiaanse prinses verhardt

  • Bezit van Italiaanse Crociani-familie op Curaçao mag van rechter worden verkocht
  • De Crociani's ruziën al jaren met BNP Paribas over een claim van $100 mln
  • Curaçaos trustkantoor United Trust heeft 'geen enkele relatie meer' met Camilla Crociani
Een Italiaanse prinses met zakelijke belangen in Nederland heeft het onderspit gedolven bij diverse rechtbanken in een langslepend conflict met zakenbank BNP Paribas.