Participants: “Dia di Fundashon helps directors progress”willemstad

WILLEMSTAD - After the second sold-out edition on 31 March and a total of 200 participants in the Dia di Fundashon, the organizers VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne and The Galan Group consider the introduction of this new corporate governance event a success.
Participants’ response indicates that the concept meets a need for broad training, which was not met earlier.
The objective of the Dia di Fundashon was to provide the participants with practical tools they can use right away, in order to professionalize the corporate governance of their association or foundation. For that purpose, ten corporate governance experts were brought together, each of whom guided a break-out session on various disciplines within corporate governance. The participants were able to attend three of these interactive sessions.
Siegmond van Lamoen, founder of the non-profit organization I-Animal: “I attended both editions of the Dia di Fundashon. Policy and annual planning, leadership, preventing liability: actually all the themes that were on the program are relevant to directors of foundations and associations. So, I wanted to attend as many as possible.”
Inette Luckmann, director at Children’s Museum, endorses that: “You get the opportunity to learn more about various important topics, of which some are not directly in your line. For this reason, the session on taxation really stood out for me. In addition, this was a nice opportunity to meet with other directors, and expand my network.”
After the positive feedback, the organizers are considering how to follow up on the tremendous interest. In addition, it is being considered whether the event can be extended to the other islands in the Dutch Caribbean.

Lawyer Roeland Zwanikken considers legal action against ABN AMRO Bank

THE HAGUE--Attorney-at-law Roeland Zwanikken at St. Maarten’s BZSE law office is considering legal action against the intention of the Dutch ABN AMRO Bank to close the bank accounts of its clients in the Dutch Caribbean.

Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren vinden doorgang

In het Antilliaans Dagblad: Fiscaal onderzoek bij notariskantoren
WILLEMSTAD – De fiscale onderzoeken bij de notarissen vonden en vinden, ondanks de beperkingen van Covid-19, weer doorgang en de medewerking aan de kant van notarissen en adviseurs is daarbij ‘over het algemeen goed’.

Juridische miljoenenstrijd tussen BNP Paribas en Italiaanse prinses verhardt

  • Bezit van Italiaanse Crociani-familie op Curaçao mag van rechter worden verkocht
  • De Crociani's ruziën al jaren met BNP Paribas over een claim van $100 mln
  • Curaçaos trustkantoor United Trust heeft 'geen enkele relatie meer' met Camilla Crociani
Een Italiaanse prinses met zakelijke belangen in Nederland heeft het onderspit gedolven bij diverse rechtbanken in een langslepend conflict met zakenbank BNP Paribas.