Tromp demands investigation into "insinuations"

Central Bank director Emsley Tromp demands an investigation into ‘insinuations’ and rumors in the local media on his role with a personal loan at a local banking institution.

He further indicates that he considered resigning earlier on because in his opinion the current government is systematically making it impossible for the Central Bank to function. However, after the rumors, my consideration is no longer an issue, says Tromp. He now wants to have his name cleared.

In the morning-program Perspektiva at Radio Curom/Z-86 this morning, Tromp talked about the rumors in the media on his functioning. According to morning newspaper Vigilante, Tromp was involved with a loan at Banco di Caribe on behalf of a girlfriend for the establishment of two companies at Renaissance Mall. According to media publications, Tromp’s name had been used to register both companies on the island. The amount involved with the loan is 3 million guilders. According to this same media, Tromp did not benefit from the business personally, but the government supposedly has information that amounts were transferred to a private account.

This piece of information is published exactly when the Central Bank is frequently in the news. States members asked questions on the role of the Central Bank with the issue on behalf of the utility company Aqualectra. Within this framework, there were critical questions on the Central Bank in particular from the MFK-party. These questions led Tromp to discuss this with MFK-members Amerigo Thodé and Dean Rozier. During this conversation, Rozier remarked there was a question of an unfriendly and negative attitude from the government towards Tromp and that he would gladly mediate in this matter. Tromp emphasized he did not wish to be a liability for the functioning of the Central Bank.

During the radio program this morning, Tromp concluded that since the installation of the government, the functioning of the Central Bank is made impossible. “Letters from the Central Bank to the Minister of Finance and the Premier are not answered. Our Board of Commissioners has not been appointed yet. Our annual accounts still await approval. This year’s budget for the Central Bank hasn’t been approved either. We are unable to pursue a monetary policy, as this requires the approval of a Board of Commissioners. No preparations are made for the introduction of the new Caribbean Guilder, while the Antillean guilders are running short and the evaluation of our financial system by the IMF of August 28th is at risk. There is a limit to the responsibility he can shoulder, says the Central Bank director. “With which moral power must the Central Bank demand of institutions they supervise that their annual accounts and budget must be in order?”

Due to the situation, Tromp considered handing in his resignation. However, the recent tide of rumors caused him to change his mind. “Numerous things are suggested. I attach great importance to my integrity. I am going to demand an investigation from the governments of Curaçao and St. Maarten to clear my name. Nothing has gone wrong.” Tromp does not agree with the proposition that he withdraw himself during the investigation. “The entire affair has nothing to do with the Central Bank. It regards a loan with a private institution.” Minister of Finance, George ‘Jorge’ Jamaloodin was not available for comment this morning.

(Source: National Newspaper Amigoe)

25 May 2011

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