Passport legislation amendment

Because of the new passport legislation - Rijkswet van 8 maart 2012 tot wijziging van de Paspoortwet - it is no longer possible to register children in passports of their parents or guardian(s).

As of Juni 26, 2012 children must have their own passport to travel abroad. Existing registrations of children in other passports shall automatically lapse on the expiry date. The passport of the parent(s) or guardian(s) remains valid until the date of validity of the passport.

In 2009 the European Regulation on standards, security features and biometrics has been changed. The House of Representatives and the Senate of the Dutch Parliament have agreed on an adaptation of the Passport Law to comply with this Regulation. The expiry date of the validity of registration of children in passports of their parents or guardian applies to all countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Download the new legislation >> Rijkswet van 8 maart 2012 tot wijziging van de Paspoortwet
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