New listing on the DCSX

WILLEMSTAD - The DCSX last week welcomed a new listing on the exchange. Listing Adviser Global Listing and Exchange Services N.V. (GLEX), an Amicorp entity, dedicated to list companies on the DCSX, succeeded in listing Inmaran B.V., a Dutch BV company.

Inmaran B.V. is a holding company investing in Ecuadorian private equity opportunities, mainly in the pharmaceutical industry, however, not limited to other type of business in Ecuador. For Inmaran the listing provides a general improvement of its corporate and financial position since it improves the company’s public profile and credibility. On the other side, the fact that Inmaran is listed on the exchange means it has passed a demanding due diligence process and it complies with strict rules concerning corporate governance, hence providing security and transparency to investors (shareholders).

In other developments, on June 6th, 2012 the DCSX organized a seminar in Bogota titled “Opening up new markets with the DCSX”. The event that was held at the Hilton Hotel was attended by approximately 70 people, including a delegation with representatives of Curacao’s international financial sector like Amicorp, ANT Management, Eclipse Management, TMF, Vistra, VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne, AIC and HBM Group. In line with the previous seminars held in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, the seminar in Bogota focused on the opportunities the DCSX presents for cross border investments to and from Colombia.

The DCSX is scheduled to host another international seminar on October 10th, 2012 in Amsterdam which will be organized in collaboration with the office of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne.

Luis Santine, CEO of the DCSX, is positive about the recent developments of the exchange. ”Despite great international uncertainty in both the local and international financial markets, we are noticing an increased potential for the DCSX. Our efforts to position the DCSX as an entrepreneurial platform appear to be catching on and we anticipate more positive developments in the near term.

For more information on the DCSX, please visit the website

(Source DCSX)

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