Police now armed with pepper spray

As of February 1, police officers of the Caribbean Netherlands’ Police Force will be equipped with pepper spray. Members of the royal military police Koninklijke Marechaussee will also be receiving pepper spray soon.

In the meantime, police officers have already been trained to use this new weapon, and police cars and the police station have been equipped with material for the aftercare, such as cool water to rinse the eyes with. The purpose of aftercare is primarily to reduce the effect of pepper spray to the eyes and skin and to enable the person affected to open his/ her eyes and to reduce pain. In addition, the unpleasant sensation in the mouth may be diminished by mouthwash.
Pepper spray is an organic agent that is derived from a plant. It is non-toxic, odourless and non-flammable. Research has shown that it has no lasting or side-effects and it does not cause injury. The physical effects on someone who has been sprayed have been generally the involuntary closing of the eyes with pain sensation, burning sensation on exposed skin and hortness of breath and, sometimes, coughing. It has been said that people who have been sprayed got injured or died. However, the cause was never the pepperspray in itself, but incorrectly applied control techniques or accidents after (not) applying aftercare, it was stated in a press release issued by the Caribbean Netherlands Police.
Police officers in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are well instructed on when the use of pepper spray is permitted. Pepper spray can be used only by police officers against a person who carries a ready-for-use weapon and who is about to use it against a person. A weapon in this case can also be, for example, a stick or a stone. It is also permitted to use pepper spray on a person who refuses to be arrested or to be brought before the law. As a third option, the police officers can use it to defend themselves against or to control aggressive animals.
Pepper spray will not be used against young children, women who are visibly pregnant, people who are visually impaired and elderly persons. If conditions permit, the police officer will first give a clear verbal warning before using the pepper spray against a person, the police explained.

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